Round Table Buffet. A massive dining hall serves up mountains of food! This family-friendly feast is open continuously from 6:30 am-10 pm daily. Hot and cold food items available. Breakfast 6:30 am-11 am, $10.49 (kids 12 and under $9.49); lunch 11 am-4 pm, $11.99 (kids 12 and under $10.49); dinner Sun-Thurs 4 pm-10 pm, Sat 4 pm-11 pm, $14.49 (kids 12 and under $12.49); Sun brunch Sat-Sun 6:30
am-4 pm, $12.99 (kids 4-12 $10.49, under 3 eat free).
Merlin's Magic Motion Machines.
Two unique facilities offer 48 visitors an unbelievable adventure. Film adventures feature breathtaking aural and visual effects, while your seat is in motion! A wide array of film experiences available. Open 9 am-12:45 am; admission $4.