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Victoria Seafood Restaurant

1029 Commonwealth

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Detail for Victoria Seafood Restaurant : Restaurant, Seafood

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Great food! It's truly a seafood restaurant with a huge fish tank filled with live shrimps, crabs, lobster and fish. I love the twin lobster dish. The soup (small size) was huge for two people. A rice plate dish cost $5 to $6. - Anon, 02/14/2006

The food here is pretty good Chinese food, and it's a nice place to go for a very casual, tasty, cheap lunch or dinner. However, the service is not great. Some of the waiters were fine, but one woman in particular was very rude. She never smiled once until she handed me the bill (and that was barely a smile) and simply gave a negative and unwelcome vibe. Have been afraid to go back since because of her. - Jessica, 07/24/2006

I tried to call for take out but the gentleman who answered the phone did not have command of the english language - after three attempts to place my order, I hung up and called Chef Changs. - anonymous, 06/12/2006

Their twin lobster is pretty good. But I would say other dishes on the menu are just flat. They

Boston , Victoria Seafood Restaurant

probably use a lot of MSG, which gave me bad headache. My friends felt the same way. I’d also say the service is lousy, and the foreman/owner is a bit mean. If one really wants to give it a try, he’d better adjust his expectation to the fact that this is a relatively cheap restaurant.
- anonymous, 10/25/2004

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1 planet: Below par, skip it. Boston guide with reviews
2 planets: Has redeeming facets. Boston guide with reviews Boston guide with reviews
3 planets: Decent, worth checking out. Boston guide with reviews Boston guide with reviews Boston guide with reviews
4 planets: Excellent, we'll be back. Boston guide with reviews Boston guide with reviews Boston guide with reviews Boston guide with reviews
5 planets: Stellar .. out of this world! Boston guide with reviews Boston guide with reviews Boston guide with reviews Boston guide with reviews Boston guide with reviews
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